85mm transparent acrylic ball

85mm transparent acrylic ball

Clear acrylic ball 76mm

Clear acrylic ball 76mm

120mm transparent acrylic ball

120mm transparent acrylic ball

Balle en métal

metal ball

 - €45,00
100mm wooden contact ball

100mm wooden contact ball

Showing 1 of 5

Contact Balls

In the art of contact, the ball always stays in contact with the juggler's skin, rolling along his hands, his arms, and even his head. Most of the balls used are acrylic balls, for their weight and their magnificent aesthetic properties. A variation of contact is Multi-Ball Contact, which involves handling up to 5 balls in each hand, but is unlike the Chinese Ying Yang bell metal balls; in the case of contact, there is no trick, only a spectacle of grace and performance to be admired.

The ideal size to start contact is 80mm, if your budget allows it. Above all, do not buy smaller than 68mm for 1 ball contact, because there will be no visual rendering. The 100 and 110mm balls are perfect for rolling them over your head.

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